About the Journal

Journal Title  Jurnal Edu Counseling
ISSN xxxx-xxxx (online) | xxxx-xxxx (print)
DOI Prefix -
Editor in Chief khairiyah Khadijah


Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling
Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Riau

Frequency 2 issues in a year


Jurnal Edu Counseling [p-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx][e-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx] aims to develop and disseminate knowledge in the field of guidance and counseling and education through scientific research articles and assessment of concepts or theories in an effort to enrich scientific insight in the field of Education and counseling guidance.

Jurnal Edu Counseling is an educational journal published by the Counseling Guidance Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Riau University. The JEC journal (Journal edu counseling) is published twice a year in March and august. This journal publication contains issues regarding guidance and counseling and education. This article was compiled based on the results of research and theoretical studies which are equivalent to research that is supported by various theoretical studies which produce research in the form of educational research, and counseling guidance research.
These fields of knowledge include:
1. School counseling application
2. mental health
3. assessment, supervision in counseling,
4. Multi-cultural counseling
5. Crisis counseling
6. trauma counseling
7. ITC in counseling
8. Career counseling
9. spiritual counseling
10. counseling and psychotherapy,
11. Counseling psychology
12. counseling in all situations; Education (teaching, development, teaching, educational projects and innovations, learning methodologies and new technologies in education and learning, assessment).

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